Space Coast Comic Con – September 9, 10 & 11, 2016
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Space Coast Convention Center, Cocoa, Florida
MarkWHO42 is the NUMBER ONE international multi-generational Doctor WHO/Sci-Fi syndicated radio show and pod cast on Krypton Radio.
MarkWHO42 provides its listeners with the latest news, reviews and interviews from the WHOniverse and beyond. Their award winning show provides a diverse and informative discussion that delves into the into the original and new series on a weekly basis. The show also has discussions that go beyond the WHOniverse that are important topics of the Geekdom world.
As MarkWHO42 enters its third year, they have produced over 100 episodes, participated in over ten conventions and have had over 30 WHO guests including Katy Manning, Sophie Aldred, Lisa Bowerman, Gareth David-Lloyd, Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy, and Paul McGann, just to name a few.
Visit their Facebook site or their website to download their episodes at www.markwho42.net and listen to the weekly radio show at www.kryptonradio.com
The hosts on the show are Mark Baumgarten, Patricia Helm, Eduardo M. Freyre, Patrick Hawkins (of Come Get ∑) and Christian Basel (of The Legend of the Traveling TARDIS)
Mark Baumgarten was originally from New York, Mark Baumgarten has been a geek since he was a kid, and has the glasses to prove it. First into comics and Star Trek, one fateful day in 1978 he turned on the local PBS station and saw something that would change his life forever; episode 2 of The Sontaran Experiment. A Whovian was born! Throughout the 80’s he volunteered and worked on many science fiction cons including the Doctor Who-centric Omnicon conventions in South Florida. He created the “MarkWHO42” brand in honor of Doctor Who and Douglas Adams and started podcasting to share Doctor Who with fans around the world.
Christian Basel has been a fan of Doctor WHO since Tom Baker on PBS. He became a co-host on MarkWHO42 after his first appearance promoting his FaceBook site, “The Legend of the Traveling TARDIS.” Christian participated in panels at the very first Time Lord Fest located in Orlando. Christian was later promoted to Media Relations for MarkWHO42 and has been instrumental in booking over thirty guest interviews on the show, including Andrew Cartmel, Katy Manning, Yee Jee Tso, Lisa Bowerman, Sophie Aldred and many more. Christian has written plays that have been preformed on stage and is currently seeking voice over work.
Patty Hawkins is a geek theorist & humorist which is politer and more marketable than calling himself a fatuous gasbag who has seen & read far too much media involving capes, swords & ray guns. He makes no claims other then speaking the truth as he sees it about geek culture without sucking up or snarking down. Sometimes he succeeds.
Stop by the Mark WHO 42 panel at the Space Coast Comic Con!
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We’re ready! 🙂
This is going to be a superb Con I already know it, can’t wait!